2024: Go And Conquer Darkness, 

Shine My Light Even Brighter!

In 2024, we anticipate another year of challenges, but not in a negative sense. Rather, we view these challenges as blessings.

As always, we trust that God will guide us as we follow His directions. Over the past 30 years, our community has been abundantly blessed. We have achieved "something" that we all can be proud of being a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people set apart for God. 

Our light has shone throughout all these years because the source of this light, our Lord Jesus Christ, has put His light in each of us so we can shine that light to others and the world around us. 

upcoming community events

PC Women's Tea Party

Apr 5, 2025

springfield tea garden

The Publicly Committed women of City on the Hill will will gather for a day filled with worship and fellowship at their annual tea party.

pc men's bbq fellowship

apr 5, 2025

reginaldo residence

The Publicly Committed men are gearing up for a fantastic time as they fire up the grill and celebrate the very first ever Men's BBQ.

seder meal

apr 16, 2025


Each district will host a Seder meal, a cherished Judeo-Christian tradition where we come together to retell the inspiring story of the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

easter celebration

apr 27, 2025

yorba linda community center

Join us for the pinnacle of our Christian faith as we come together to celebrate! Let's unite in worship and joyfully proclaim, 'Hallelujah, Christ is risen!

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