2024: Go And Conquer Darkness, 

Shine My Light Even Brighter!

In 2024, we anticipate another year of challenges, but not in a negative sense. Rather, we view these challenges as blessings.

As always, we trust that God will guide us as we follow His directions. Over the past 30 years, our community has been abundantly blessed. We have achieved "something" that we all can be proud of being a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people set apart for God. 

Our light has shone throughout all these years because the source of this light, our Lord Jesus Christ, has put His light in each of us so we can shine that light to others and the world around us. 

upcoming community events

power from on high WOMEN'S RETREAT

JUN 29-30, 2024

LESTONNAC retreat center in tustin

The women of COH will spend intimate time with the Lord and let the Holy Spirit work mightily on them as they experience the Power from on High.

big covenant celebration a full membership event

LORD'S DAY JUL 6, 2024

Garvey Center in rosemead

On July 6, COH will celebrate its full covenant membership in the Sword of the Spirit. Special guests joining us on this very special day.

life in the spirit seminar

jul 13-Sep 14, 2024

Papa's residence in rosemead

If you're yearning to build a deeper relationship with God and find genuine love, peace, and joy, join this event. The LSS has changed the lives of millions of people around the world.

Community picnic

jul 28, 2024

Lemon Creek BiCentennial Park Walnut

It's summertime! Let's go out and have fun in the sunshine. Don your best farmer attire and get ready for family-friendly games and activities. 

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